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  1. Open adrenlain **I'm using cracked**, but this should work awesome on paid. 1. choose settings 2. choose self buffs and then click type and move in in game buffs 3. select whatever buff scheme you desire, I'm going to select "Buff fo fighter", then click on H 4. once you click H you'll see 4. Erase all of this and enter The Third and last number here listed as 13 chooses whether you buff yourself, the party of your pet. If you have a pet: 13 = self, 14=pet, & 15 = party If you do not have a pet: 13 = self & 14 = Party 5. This will choose the Defender setting. The second number in the lsit in this case the 14 chooses the Defender. to choose mystic or fighter change this number to match the numbers in red next to the standard schemes in the pictures above. 6. click box if no buffs, then click the box below which will bring up a list of buffs the character currently has, then select a buff or buffs that if they disappear the bot will rebuff with the buff scheme. 7. Lastly make sure fight is unchecked so the bot will not try and buff while in fight and will stop fighting until status is no longer in combat and then trigger AlT-B, also you can elect to do without target click the box in front of "And/or it estimated time: keep < and enter a time. (personally I like 5-10 mins worth of time, and a slightly different time on each character, but you do you) click Add button on the right side check all settngs to make sure something from another setting hasn't crept in such as a self heal skill from you're healer when Condition 1 on the lower left hand side says [My Health < 80%] if a setting like this remains, you bot will not try to rebuff untill health is below 80% which means it is prob in combat [in fight] - likely or more likely death and party wipe AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - This is not a complete guide of buffs, you can mess with many other settings here, such as figure out how to add custom buffs once you save them in ALT-B buffer system. Now you don't have to monitor and rebuff your characters every 2 or 3 hours. Have fun!
    8 points
  2. Dear L2Togglers, I hope this message finds you well. After much consideration, it has been decided that it is time for ‘something new’ here at L2Toggle. While more information will be available on that “Soon™”, the first order of official business is to do a little housekeeping and make room for our future plans. When L2Toggle was created we committed to never wipe the server. That promise has been, and will continue to be, made since our Grand Opening back in May of 2020 and we have no plans on changing that now. The current server database on Kain will be added with the current Bartz database. The current Bartz database will remain intact. In short, Bartz & Kain will be merged into Bartz leaving Kain available for testing and deploying our new plans. Our merger date is September 19th, 2022. You can expect the server downtime to be longer than usual. Afterwards, you will need to log into the Bartz server to play as Kain will be closed as we start getting things ready. There are certain items in Lineage 2 that only can exist in one server such as the following: · Castles · Wards · Clan Halls · World State · 7 Signs · Heroes Our plans for the castles, wards, and clan halls are to reset these back to NPC owned. Thus, clan halls that were not available will now be available for purchase. All castles and wards will be reset so if you ever wanted to own a castle, this is a great chance to. Certain areas (SOA, Hellbound, etc…) have a world state of progression and will be the same as they currently are on Kain. The current status of the 7 signs competition will also be as it currently is on Kain. Heroes and Olympiad matches will be transferred from Kain as well. As always, the staff here at L2Toggle appreciate each and every dedicated player on our server. Lineage 2 is nothing without friends and we have made so many in our almost 2 ½ year history. We are very excited about what is coming next and look forward to sharing it all with you….. SOON™!!!!
    5 points
  3. We are happy to announce the next chapter of L2Toggle - a new hardcore botting server starting May 27, 2023 - Erica! The open beta server is still running to allow us all to test things out while we work on bringing Erica's vision to life. What's different for Erica is that we want to bring the game back to its retail roots - low rates, rewarding grind, and competitive gameplay. Erica will have only a few buffs on Alt+b, very similar to what a newbie buffer has, so buffers will be crucial this time around. Most buff durations have been adjusted a little to give more freedom for gameplay and allow easier mana management, especially in the early game. The Feature List is complete, yet we might make a few adjustments before opening. The server will continuously receive updates and balance changes. Please report any discrepancies between forum topics/change log/discord/in-game information. Rates: XP x1 (+30% PA) (+30% Vit) (+10% Rec) SP x1 (+30% PA) (+30% Vit) (+10% Rec) Adena Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+20% Vit) Item Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+20% Vit) Spoil Rate x1 (+30% PA) (+20% Vit) Boss Drops x2 Quest x1 Manor x1 * PA - Premium Account; Vit - Vitality; Rec - Nevit's Blessings Recommend bonus Anti-Bot: Disabled Buff Times: Retail except Dance/Song/Summon 5 min Maximum # of Buffs: 24+4 Maximum # of Song/Dance: 14 Alt+B Buffs: Low - Similar to Newbie Helper Alt+B Buff Schemes for self, pet, and party. Class Master: Yes [Alt+B -> Career -> Professions] *Increased pricing from Bartz (20k->50k / 200->500k) Noble Quest: Retail Subclass Quest : No [Alt+B -> Career -> Subclass] Max Subclass Level: 85 GM Shop: No, only vote store and Mana Potions in Grocery stores. Mammons' features available in Giran at Blacksmith Pushkin. Tiered Auction starting with Dynasty Donate & Vote stores can be found at all Dimensional Merchants. Olympiad: Heroes every month Limit enchant Weapon: +10 Limit enchant Armor/Jewel: +6 Max Clients: None (20 per Master account) Max Clients in PvP zone: 10! Auto Learn Skills: On (Except forgotten) Auto Loot: On/Off Raid Boss drops: Retail (on the ground) Weight Limit: x200 Inventory limit: 200 regular/250 dwarf Mana Potions: Yes (10MP/s 15s) *Greatly lowered compared to Bartz Raid Bosses: Drop x2 Regen x1.2 Defense x1.2 Attack x1.2 Level 52+ Raids drop 1-3 CoL; FA; and other rewards Epics: Epic Jewels rework! Queen Ant: Stats adjusted; Low level only zone; Drops adjusted to useful C grade. Core/Orfen: Levels & Stats adjusted; Drops adjusted. Baium: Level increased to 83; Stats increased; Drops S80 gear; Increased SA leveling. Antharas/Valakas: Stats adjusted; Drops drastically increased (Mid/Top S84). More on Epic Boss update here. Respawns: Queen Ant (40): 24±4 Core (40): 24±4 Orfen (60): 48±4 Zaken (55-65 / 78-85) (9 chars): Mon/Wed/Fri 6:30 AM Zaken (55-65) (18 chars+): Wed 6:30 AM Baium (83): 120+8 Valakas (85): 264+8 Antharas (85): 192+8 Sailren (80): 24+24 Baylor (83): 24+24 Beleth (83): 24+24 Instances: Raid instances minimum characters required reduced to 9 characters. Please note that some instances are designed for two parties! Nighttime Zaken minimum characters required reduced to 18. Enchants and success: Regular Enchant rate: Retail (+3% PA) Blessed Enchant rate: Retail Safe Enchant: +4 Element Max Level: 7 Element Stone Chance: 50% Element Crystal Chance: 30% Other features: Follow Party Leader's NPC Dialog (Gatekeeper/Vitality/Etc.) Follow Party Leader's .town Master Account Forward Loot to Leader - All drop from party members can go to Party Leader Quick Trade - Skip confirmations when trading your characters Vitality Rework - All levels give same reward (+20%/+30% see above) Easy Recommend Bonus (1 recommend to enable +10% XP/SP) .town Commands Auto Potions Fast Elements Offline Store Private store search at Item Broker Item & NPC database lookup ingame
    5 points
  4. L2Toggle project Kain is going live Saturday, April 3rd! We are excited to announce that Kain is being launched on April 3rd 12:00 PM (EST)! We've been testing and improving these files for a while now and we are happy with the improvements over the Bartz's source. We've hand picked the best features you've enjoyed, like Follow Party Leader's teleports and Forward Drop to Leader, and brought them over too. We hope you'll find Kain Lineage2 retail-like experience exciting and balanced. Open Beta Test server has been live for a while now so you can jump in and see for yourself. We don't plan to have an OBT launch, but we have plans for soft-open events for this upcoming weekend. We hope to see you online (We are working on a full features list to be posted later this week)
    5 points
  5. Hello fellow botters, I am making it official, L2Toggle is going Off-Season. Due to real life changes team members behind Toggle had to step away throughout the last year or so and this time it's me. I no longer have enough time to properly support server, and I won't for at least few months or more. What this means for Toggle? As promised, the server will not shutdown. But all development will be paused until sufficient help/services are found. Where we are, where we stopped? With reports piling up it has become clear that we cannot keep up, so I started looking for help. After a lot back and worth we ended up partnering with l2-scripts and purchasing their H5 source and support subscription (for source and geodata), so it would provide continues flow of bug fixes. In order to use that source we need to move over Toggle features on to the new source (Master Account Premium, Party Leader Follow, Forward Loot and etc.). And that's where we are at. I will look for help when I can. I believe this is a pause, waiting for a good opportunity to continue forward. It was an honor to be a part of this journey with you and I hope our paths meet again.
    5 points
  6. How to Connect Game Client Recommended way: L2Toggle High Five Client (full) v1.0 direct download from Google Drive Alternative way: H5 Client + Patch High Five Client Installation direct download from Google Drive Patch v1.1 on Mega.nz - Includes Epic Jewels changes Patch v1.0 on Box Patch v1.0 on Mega.nz Accounts Create a Master Account & Login Create Gameserver Accounts Toggle Bot On Checkout pinned topics on Adrenaline sub-forum to get started with Adrenaline bot *more bot guides to come* Start the Game Launch game client Login using Gameserver Account & password Play You can start by checking out the Community Board (Alt+B) and .help. Start there and browse around. Please note the tag on some of the tabs and buttons - it means that the feature is enabled for Beta Testing purposes and will be removed/disabled for the Live server. Checkout guides sub-forum for ever-growing knowledge base The Features post has a list of features and changes we’ve implemented so far Join Discord
    5 points
  7. Lineage 2 Toggle is going live Saturday, May 16th! Together with Alpha Wolves, clan leaders, and experienced players the team behind L2Toggle has been working long and hard to bring you the player experience that you deserve! Come and see for yourself how easy botting can be! We want to thank you for considering our project and as a token of appreciation, all Master Accounts will be Premium for two weeks starting from launch! All characters under Premium Master Account have Premium Account status so you'll be able to enjoy all the bonuses it provides. Meanwhile, the OBT server is open and waiting for testers.
    5 points
  8. Edit: The Follow Quest Dialog feature is disabled server wide while it's being reworked. Another example of promises made and promises delivered. L2Toggle and the development team seeks to make a very retail like Lineage 2 High Five experience, while making running multiple charcters easier. We eliminated the ALT-B teleportation system, maintained .town teleportation commands, and made a very creative way to teleport multiple characters whether your multi-boxing or botting infinitely easier. Here's a video and then I'll explain. DESCRIPTION I don't know about you, but I used to HATE selecting gatekeeper and NPC quest dialogue on 9 characters each one at a time. L2Walker used to have a feature that "listened: to the party leader's dialogue with an NPC and followed. On Adrenalin, I used to type directions in party chat, and then the party would follow the directions with the use of a script. Depending on the server, when the bots followed the program's instruction to teleport at the same time, random characters would teleport to the wrong spot and then I'd have to manually teleport to where I desired. Other times buffers , sword singers, blade dancers, and healers might not teleport at all if they were mid buff or heal when the command was given. Still yet other times, a character might not teleport or follow dialogue selection if they were stuck to far from the NPC because they were either buffing at a distance or stuck behind a wall. The Worse situation was sometimes I'd move the party to my farming spot only to find I was missing a party character. The I wasted some time late at night right before i wanted to sleep, or whatever the case may be, and then I'd either have to burn a gate chant, fight my way to the teleport point, or sometimes teleport the party back and start over. This would infuriate me I'm sure if I put a random delay in my script I could have fixed the random mis-teleportation issue. Our development team has an amazing solution. You don't need to bot and you don't need to script and the party will automatically follow the party leader telport choice and this also works when talking to NPC's for quest. How This is Better: the party members will interrupt buffs, songs, dances, and heals to teleport this does mean if the skill was interrupted and not completed, so the skill will need to be re-cast. Items such as spirit-ore will be lost, if the cast is interrupted, BUT the party will teleport together! There is a certain range given that the party characters can be away from the Gatekeeper or Quest NPC and it will still follow the Leader teleport and quest dialogue selection. no more teleporting mishaps due to server lag issues. no more need to keep adena on every character. The party leader pays the adena fee for all party members. no scripting required which allows more people to enjoy Lineage2Toggle whether they multi-box are a novice or expert botter. How to Use Auto Follow The .cfg Follow Party Leader's Dialog setting is set on by default. Form a party Have party follow leader and be near leader when it "talks" for quest or teleport. Have Party leader choose quest or teleport Party follows It's that simple How to Turn Auto Follow Off If for some reason you do not want some members of your party to follow the leader's NPC dialogue selection and other's not to follow then you can turn it off. 1. type .cfg and this box appears 2. Click OFF on on individual characters, if for some reason you want only certain party members not to follow -If you want all party member not to follow, then turn off this setting on your party leader. This setting is also set on by default. When this is set to on for both the Party leader and everyone in party, as long as the full party is not in combat, flagged, have karma, and within range of party leader then the whole party will follow the .town command of the party leader. Turn this feature off on the party leader and the whole party will not follow, or turn it off on individual characters wihtinh the party not to follow. To stop charcters in your party from following the party leader follow the same steps as with Follow Party Leader's Dialog. Let us know what you think.
    4 points
  9. Today we bring you two great news! @Jdub agreed to help moderate the forum, and go over and review current forum content to make sure everything is up to date. He will not carry any duties in-game, nor will have an increased access account. Thank you @Jdub! @FrostIce has been lending a hand for the last update and we welcome all the help we can get. @FrostIce will not carry any support, nor moderation duties. Thanks for your help, buddy Hey @Shook! I wanted to thank you again for all things you've done for us
    4 points
  10. Its rediculous taking out something just cause your pissy from dieing from them its a pvp game .If you dont like dieing then Lineage is not for you!!!
    4 points
  11. [ Latest version in the first post ]
    4 points
  12. Much respect for how you ran the server right up until this pause, and including how you recognized the need to pause and announced it. Also, the timing of your announcement allows players to move to the new server opening with a similar format. I too look forward to you continuing this journey. Best Regards, -Ryan
    4 points
  13. Hi fellow Toggle mates! We promised to make some aspects of the game less tedious. This is an example of promises made and promises delivered by our development team with the ability to add full element ,150 and then to 300, with only 2 actions. Here's how to "CONTROL" this tedious process: 1. have more than enough element stones in your inventory and the item for full element to be added. 2. hold down CTRL when you double click the element stone to be added 3. select item to add element 4. confirm 5. you'll see the screen that says 6. item reached attribute stone limit and you might have stones left in inventory In this case, it took 49 earth stones to add 150 earth element. I only clicked once instead of 49 individual attempts. Enjoy. I added 300 Earth from my 100 Earth crystals the same way and I had 16 left. A full 300 element on my weapon while only waiting for 2 animations. Sweet!
    4 points
  14. MASTER CRAFT Have you ever wanted to know how many Vesper Gloves you could craft with the materials you currently have on all your character ? Would You like to know how much Steel you have, but don't want to log all your characters one by one? Do You want to craft 10 vesper bows but don't know what you need to focus on? The Master Craft is here to help players in all crafting things. This feature contains crafting help for all craftable S grade armors, weapons, jewels, and the materials needed to craft them. The screen can be split in 4 distinct parts : The search bar Craftable items list (s+) Crafting details Item locations 1 - The search bar The search is optimized for quick look ups! You can type different words to filter, for example: "low" or "S80" "vesper" or "icarus" "gloves" or "bow" "heavy" or "robe" "weapon" or "jewel" "mage" or "archer" 2 - Craftable items list Item are displayed by : tier ( low S / top S / moirai / vesper), type Armor / weapon / jewel A color border helps you find items: Red is for items mostly used by Heavy armor classes Green is for items mostly used by Light armor classes Blue is for items mostly used by Mage classes If you have enough materials to craft an item, a number of possible crafts will be displayed. Click on an item to see the recipe in a detailed view in the section below. 3 - Crafting details Firstly the possible results are displayed. All gear will have a chance for Master Work. The next part is the ingredients table. You can enter a number of how many items you’d like to aim for in the “Craft count” field and see how many items you could craft with the current amount of mats you have. The first column is a friendly icon. Some materials have a (+) icon by their side, which means that you can click on them (as you would on a piece of craftable equipment) to bring up the recipe details. Next, there are “number of items needed”: for one try, for multiple tries taken from “Craft count” input above ( if you hover the number of the second colunm a tooltip will tell you the maximum amount of craft you can try for this particular line of ingredient ) Then we have the current number of ingredients you have in your possession and the missing amount. 4 - Item Location The goal of this section is to help you locate the items you need on all characters of the Master Account. When holding the CTRL key, the icon of items you own will change their appearance. When you CTRL + Click on an icon the Item Location view will display all characters possessing this item and storage location (warehouse or inventory). Hope this feature will be usefull to all of you ! Happy botting
    4 points
  15. Hello, fellow Botters! In celebration of our 3 month anniversary we are very excited to announce the Best Guide Contest! Create a guide about anything Toggle for a chance to win Adrenaline Bot 30-day license keys. Our community member @Jdub donated 2 keys for this very occasion and L2Toggle is matching his donation! Not only is four months worth of Adrenalin keys up for grabs, but Toggle will also award all qualifying guide submissions Coins of Luck (CoL) to their Master Account! 1st place wins 2x Adrenaline Bot 30-day keys and 200 CoL. 2nd and 3rd places win Adrenaline Bot 30-day key and 100 CoL each. All qualifying participants will receive CoL judged by content and quality. Guidelines: New Original Content Only. You can get inspiration from other guides, but only original content will be considered for the contest. Content > Quality > Quantity. Guides can be anything Toggle related - Ingame, bots, scripting, and other. All criteria are subjective. Post your ready submissions to Guides Forum until August 24th. We will announce the three winners and distribute all prizes on September 1st!
    4 points
  16. First create a Lineage2Toggle Master Account Click Create an Account, Enter an account name which will be public, password, confirm password, and enter a unique email adress for each master account. click the "I'm not a robot" box, and then create an account. When you create your Master Account a text file will be downloaded with your account and password titled "Login" I suggest you save and keep this for future reference. Also if you mistyped your password somehow (I've been there) you'll have a record of what you actually entered and you can change the MA just below the box where you can create an in game account. The Master Account Portal will allow you to create 20 in game accounts. You will be able to increase the limit in multiple ways later on. If for some reason you feel the need to have way more than 20 in-game accounts, you'll need a unique email address for each additional MA. To create a Game account click "CREATE GAME ACCOUNT" After MA creation: 1. This displays the level of your L2Toggle Master Account Portal. Right now mine is Level 3 and 60%. I have 300 coins or Coins of Luck to distrubute to my in game characters as I choose later on. As your Master Account Portal Levels, you' get access to different rewards and increasing rewards. Right now If I donate 1 EUR, instead of getting 10 coins of luck I'll get a 10% bonus and get 11 coins of luck instead. 2. Clicking here takes you back to the Dashboard which is the picture above. Here is displays your last login date, last IP address, and total numbers of game accounts registered to this MAP. 3. Click here to go to our website at https://lineage2toggle.com/ 4. Click here to go to our Forum at https://community.lineage2toggle.com/ 5. Click here to see Lineage2Toggle Server Statistics inside your MA 6. Displays your account name. 7. Allows you to change this game account's password. You'll need to old password, enter the new password, and confirm the new password. 8. This is the in-game characters name. 9. MA account allows you to see every characters personal inventory without having to log into each individual character and wait for log in one at a time. 10. Allows you to access MA services. Both of these services cost 10 coins each. We are very excited about the Master Accounts & Master Account Portal and it will see future development and expansion in the future. Lets us know what you think.
    4 points
  17. Hey all, I have windows 10 and this is working for the new Lineage2 Toggle server. No issues to date. Basically unzip into your C:\ Folder. Go to the file settings on Admons2.exe, start.exe. and Adrenalin.exe and change all to "Run as Administrator" and change compatibility to windows 7. Run Admons2.exe, wait for it to launch adrenaline, then run start.exe, turn it on. Minimize admons2.exe and start.exe, then load as many L2 clients as you want from that point. if that doesn't work. Try changing your L2.Exe shortcut to run in compatibility for Win 7 as well and/or run as admin. Also, make sure windows defender and any anti-virus has the adrenaline folder excluded . If you still have issues exclude the Lineage 2 folder at the System32/NCSoft location. Hope this helps. DL Link -> WIN 10 ADRENALINE (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS LINK DOES NOT WORK AGAIN) PASSWORD = 12345 Password for *.RAR file is: 12345
    3 points
  18. L2Project v2.4.0: https://bit.ly/3HBHcAt - Improved path-finding algorithm (Dijkstra's replaced with A-Star) - Pet buffs tab added - Community buffs removed
    3 points
  19. Thanks all. I am bringing some friends i think. They were part of my CP in 2020 (Retail Chronos: Nova/Ashura)and all date back to L2 origins back in 2004. We are a bunch of Aholes as well, but you know what i mean. That being said, i have no issue dumping some rl cash on a project that is gonna stay. I look forward to being part of this community.
    3 points
  20. Greetings Botters! We are happy to announce that the L2Day Letter Collectors Event is starting this Friday, July 9th! Collect all the different letters, arrange words and reap rewards like Enchant Scrolls, Forgotten Skill Books, PvP Belts, attributes and more! Check full rewards here. Hoard collected letters until next Saturday, July 17th, when the rewards options will appear on the event NPC - rewards are disabled until then.
    3 points
  21. 1. Community Board (Alt+B) Buffs We will have buffs on Community Board. 80% of you voted to have some sort of buffs. I believe the following option will be a best compromise - "Yes, but partial. Including: Resists, Summoners', and Warsmiths'. Excluding: Counter Critical/Dance of Berserker/etc." 2. Mana Potion We will have mana potions. Again, 80% of you voted to have some sort of mana potions. Instant mana restoration with cooldown seemed to be the most popular. We will test to see the exact amount. 3. How much zerg is too much? 85% of voters chose to have some kind of character limit and the "Limit pvp zones (Siege/TW/Around Epics/Events/?) to 10* chars." was the most popular. What's next? Closing Epics question, any final thoughts or suggestions? Closing "smaller" questions now that we have a general idea. This would touch most of suggestions and comments. Feature delivery to the testing server to bring it to Beta.
    3 points
  22. [ Latest version in the first post ]
    3 points
  23. His team's project was very good and exciting. I have no doubt that this server is the best botting server I have seen in my L2 days. Really botting on servers is good when we don't have much time and we like low-rate servers. I had fun during this time, and I hope that this project can return. I wish you all the best and success in your goals! O projeto de sua equipe foi muito bom e emocionante. Não tenho dúvidas de que esse servidor é o melhor servidor de botting que já vi no meu tempo de L2. Realmente utilizar bot em servidores é bom quando não temos muito tempo e gostamos de servidores de rate baixa. Eu me diverti durante este tempo, e fico na esperança que este projeto possa retornar. Desejo toda a sorte a vocês e sucesso em seus objetivos!
    3 points
  24. Hello fellow botters! We have launched a Public Test Server (PTS) to help the project grow. It is currently under Sieghardt's name. All data (characters/items) was duplicated from live server to have a nice starting point. PTS will be updated with the latest stable updates or experimental changes without needing to schedule maintenance. Also, we will enable some of the features we had on Beta to skip farming. I will occasionally post on #player-test-server channel on our discord with updates and help requests So stay tuned!
    3 points
  25. [ Latest version in the first post ]
    3 points
  26. [ Latest version in the first post ]
    3 points
  27. This vote will come down along Clan lines. If you're loosing the war right now you will vote to limit. If you're winning the war then you vote to keep two parties. I watched as people talked a big game and PK'd people like crazy. Which made the server very difficult for many to level. IF this poll indicates anything it is that you outnumber Redarrows in live players and if you get organized, work hard, and pick fights you can win then you'll get much much stronger and turn the balance later. I think changing the rule/s now is very unwise.
    3 points
  28. Yesterday the update included an amazing new feature for Premium Accounts The server still has auto loot, so non one needs to pick up normal drops. Now that's been improved for Premium Accounts with Forward Drop to Party Leader type ALT-B --> Settings or type .cfg. and both bring you here Forward Drop to Party Leader is set to ON by default. This will forward all drops to PL, but what about spoils? Type ALT-X --> --> and click the and the change party Loot If Party loot is set to Finders Keepers and you have Forward Drop to Party Leader set to ON, then all drops will go to the PL, Set Party Loot to and (make sure if party is already formed before this change to break and reform party after this change) Spoils will ALSO go to the PL!!!! Yet another Quality of Life feature here at Lineage2Toggle have fun and Thanks @Mantosh
    3 points
  29. Beginner's Guide for Lineage 2 High Five L2Toggle Style. Even though you can get great buffs when you first start from the ALT-B Buffer, some people still desire gear. There is a quest for a wooden set or a magic robe set. Here's a guide for the "Supply Check" Quest 1. Create character 2. Click ALT-B, click the buffs tab and select or create a buff scheme. 3. Talk to Newbie Helper. (In every starter town he is the NPC on the right) 4. They ask you to attack a gremlin. Attack until you get the blue gemstone. At this point I suggest you keep attacking Gremlins until you arejust past level 3 . (You must be level 2 to being the "Supply Check Quest", BUT if you are just over level3 when you begin the quest you'll get enough xp to be level 6 and be able to get a shadow weapon from another Newbie Helper. Like I said buffs are real nice so you don't necessarily need them, but heck it couldn't hurt.) 5. Talk to the Newbie Helper once you have the Blue Gemstone. 6. They tell you to talk to the NPC on the left and the Newbie Helper Gives you some soulshots or spiritshots for beginners. (In this Case it is Master Grand Roien for you Human Fighters). 7. Talk to the NPC on the left and select " I brought the recommendation" 8. They will give you more soulshots or spiritshots for beginners and ask if you wanna continue to level here (In this case Talking Island) or go to the Isle of Souls (Kamael Village). Slect go to the Isle of Souls. If you're running multiple characters at once like a full party, bring the full party here with you. With our system's ability to follow party leader's dialog, the party's quest and telports will be done seemlessly all together at once. The whole party follows and selects the same dialog with NPC for quests, so you don't need a script or click the Quest NPC's on all 9 characters. 9. Open your map. A. click World info B. click Quest C. click level so it is goes from lowest to highest level drag the bar down until you see "Supply check. D. it will show you the map outside the village. Click the tab marked D and it will show a map of inside the village. E. A flag will indicate where Marcela 10. Talk to Marcela and click quest. There are two options, so select Supply check. Click through the dialog until it displays. 11. To find each person you have to talk to for a quest, click ALT-M for the map. A. Click Tracking B. Click Quest and then select "Suppy Check" 12. A Yellow Thumbtack will apear on the map where you need to go next and an Arrow will appear above your head pointing to the next NPC you have to talk with. 13. After you finish the quest you'll be level 5 and recieve some adena, experience and a beginner armor set (In this case a wooden light armor set for a fighter and a leather robe set for a mystic). 14. If not earn level 6 hunt a bit, maybe Stronghold I. If you are level 6, then go to and talk to he newbie guide and get a shadow weapon if you desire. 15. When you talk to the NEwbie helper you'll recieve some more Soulshot or Spiritshot for begineers. Click "Recieve Apprentice Adventurer's Weapon Exhange Coupn" and you'll recieve 5 of these coupons. 16. Talk to the Newbie Guide Again and click "Ask for help with a newbie Item." and then " Use the Weapon warehouse for apprentice adventurers" 17. Choose the weapon you want. These shadow weapon have a time limit. They loose time everytime you equip and unequip them. They loose time if they are equiped. However, they do not loose time if they are unequipped. OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER: 1st class change quest (cc) You can buy from ALT-B under for 100k OR you can do the quest. Rewards for doing the 1st cc quest. Rewards are D-Grade Shadow weapon coupons and some adena and experience 2nd class change quest You can buy same place for 3kk OR you can do the 3 separate CC quest, each gives adena and xp, but man are they long. If you don't have a spoiler and aren't thoughtful about where you hunt, you might want to consider these long quest to afford gear. With the great buffs bots don't really care if they are in poor gear. 3rd class chaneg quesy You can buy same place for 15kk RIGHT NOW accumulate but don't do anything. I know on some servers with premium you cna buy shadow weapons. Enjoy!
    3 points
  30. Hi fellow Toggle Mates. When I worked at one retail job, some of the management team used to say when an employee was fired they were being promoted... to a customer. After all, the customer is the boss right. The customer is never wrong. I wanted to let you know I've choosen to fire myself as GM. I'm stepping down, so that Mantosh and his team can continue to deliver what is currently a great server and what promises to be truly outstanding! So am I stepping down or am I stepping up, because now.... I've been promoted to a player! While the customer may be the boss and is never, I most certainly will not be the boss and I'm wrong all the time. All teasing aside, I'm really excited to play even though I'll be starting weeks late. I'm so happy to have seen in less than a week and I'm sure it is going to continue to grow. You will see a character named Scrapyard (not a gm) doing crazy stupid things. Well, that's how I enjoy the game. If you know how to script and wanna spend sometime teaching an old dog new tricks, well shoot me a line. See you all starting after June 1st, I've got some real life stuff to handle.
    3 points
  31. Hello everyone You need these quests for freya: Prerequisite: The Other side of Truth (lvl 53) part 1 - Request of Ice merchant part 2 - Acquisition of Divine Sword part 3 - Meeting Sirra part 4 - Reunion with Sirra part 5 - Story of those left behind. Enjoy.
    3 points
  32. Hi CageBob, I can do designs of any kind on T shirts/Hoodies or even your morning Coffee Mugs. All proceeds will go towards Server Costs. Drop me and Inbox of what you want and where you're based and ill get something sent out to you
    3 points
  33. XP x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit) (+20% Rec) SP x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit) (+20% Rec) Adena Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit) Item Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit) Spoil Rate x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit) Boss Drops x2 Quest x1 (+30% PA) Manor x1 * PA - Premium Account; Vit - Vitality; Rec - Nevit's Blessings Recommend bonus Anti-Bot: Disabled Buff Times: 2 Hour (+1 Hr PA) Maximum # of Buffs: 24+4 Maximum # of Song/Dance: 14 Alt+B Buffs: Yes* (more buffs with PA) such as Buff Schemes for self, party, and pet. Class Master: Yes Noble Quest: Retail Subclass Quest : No Max Subclass Level: 85 GM Shop: Up to A-Grade in Giran Luxury Shop Mammons' features available on BS Pushkin and WH Taurin Donate & Vote stores can be found at all Dimensional Merchants. Max Clients: None, (20 per Master account) Auto Learn Skills: On (Except forgotten) Auto Loot: On/Off Raid Boss drops: Retail (on the ground) Weight Limit: x100 Inventory limit: 180 regular/250 dwarf Mana Potions: Yes (Mana over time with reuse delay) Raid Bosses: Drop x2 Regen x4 Defense x2 Attack x3 Epics: Queen Ant: Stats adjusted; Low level only zone; Drops adjusted to useful C grade; Ring of Queen Ant drop chance increased to 50%. Core/Orfen: Stats adjusted; Drops adjusted. Baium: Level increased to 83; Stats increased; Drops S80 gear; Increase SA leveling. Antharas/Valakas: Stats adjusted; Drops drastically increased (Mid/Top S84). Instances: Raid instances minimum characters required reduced to 9 characters. Please note that some instances are designed for two parties! Nighttime Zaken minimum characters required reduced to 18. Regular Enchant rate: Retail (+3% PA) Blessed Enchant rate: Retail Safe Enchant: +4 Element Max Level: 7 Element Stone Chance: 50% Element Crystal Chance: 30% Other features: Follow Party Leader's NPC Dialog Follow Party Leader's .town Master Account History Vitality Rework Easy Recommend Bonus (1 recommend to enable +20% XP/SP) .town Commands Auto Potions Fast Elements Offline Store
    3 points
  34. Welcome to the 5th edition of Tuesday Toggle Topic! Alpha Reborn It came to our attention this week that new server source files were available. After @Mantosh and @FrostIce reviewed them we found a drastic improvement in server stability, resource management, and features. We then had a very difficult choice to make: To use the new server files, or stay with our current tested setup. Because of our commitment to provide you, the players, the best L2 experience possible, we decided to implement the new server files into our build. While most of our features transferred over effortlessly, there are some challenges ahead. The main one that the previously completed Alpha testing is no longer applicable and will have to be redone. While disappointing on the surface, the alpha testing phase did provide me, along with the rest of the staff, insight into what you guys are looking for. GM Arthose looking forward to the future of L2Toggle So what is the plan moving forward? A new Alpha testing phase will begin shortly. The Alpha test server is actually currently ‘up’, but it needs about a day before testing can truly begin. Our staff will not forget the hard work the Alpha Wolves have done up to this point and rewards at launch will be given out accordingly. That being said, with another wave of Alpha testing comes a 2nd chance at being an Alpha Wolf, and the possible for (more) rewards at launch date for those who help out in testing this time around. Just a reminder that our application for alpha testing begins here. Because the file structure is so much better now, Alpha testing will be a much shorter phase (hopefully with fewer issues), will thus transfer much smoother into Beta testing, and official launch. Remember that our staff here at L2Toggle is always available to you if you have questions. Feel free to send us a question/concern you have either here on the forums, or on our discord server. Excited to see where we are this time next week!
    3 points
  35. Exciting news for those of you who applied to be alpha testers! Alpha testing will begin very soon (we are thinking in the next 24 hours!) We will provide more information to those of you who applied on how to connect and specific areas we need help testing. Keep an eye on the forums and/or discord for further information!
    3 points
  36. We call our Alpha Testers Alpha Wolves. An alpha wolf leads the pack and so do you. Alpha Wolves will be accepted to Lineage2 Toggle Alpha through an application based on the merits that we consider you an experienced Lineage 2 gamer and botter. We’ve picked the cream of the crop so feel proud to be chosen, after all you’re an Alpha. Your feedback will be invaluable during this phase of testing as we begin implementing exciting new features that will make running multiple characters and accounts easier and less cumbersome. We value our alpha testers, as such we will reward our Alpha Wolves with some permanent rewards: “Alpha Wolf” cosmetic appearance set Donate Coins on the live server Master Account Achievement Other In-Game and Forum recognition After Alpha Testing is complete, and we feel we have the nuts and bolts, new features, and improvements we desire are implemented then we will move to a more open Beta Phase. Only those who helped during the Alpha Testing Phase will be an Alpha Wolf and receive these rewards. To become an Alpha Wolf, you will need to answer a few questions and create a topic at Alpha Tester Applications forum. Your post will be private and only be visible to you and the staff. Slots are limited so don’t delay!
    3 points
  37. Hello Togglers, Quite a few exciting updates this time around! Enjoy and don't forget to leave feedback. This update was made possible by your recent wave of donations so huge thanks to old and new players for your continues support. + Added/Enabled - Removed/Disabled * Fixed/Edited + Buff Party option on .buffstore + The server will now automatically restart at 11 PM EST every Monday * Fishing Championship now gives Festival Adena as rewards * Increase drop chances of Easy & Hard Freyas, Frintezza, and level 83 Zaken * Boost Baium stats and drop chances * Boost Orfen and her minions * Auctioned items revamp - new items, higher starting bid * Fix party leader issue when inviting new members on adrenaline/L2Project * Clan level requirements text for clarity * Kariks area buff fixed * Increase pet inventory size (not weight limit, yet) * Lowered spouse teleport interval to 3 min
    2 points
  38. [ Latest version in the first post ]
    2 points
  39. Welcome guys, it's great to have you aboard. @Jdub @FrostIce Thank you @Mantosh, glad to be here.
    2 points
  40. I got killed by Antharas! Please remove it from the game... This is a joke vote right?
    2 points
  41. + Added/Enabled - Removed/Disabled * Fixed/Edited + .town chat commands (.giran/.dion/etc.) - Quick out of combat port to towns + Master Accounts Core + Toggle Party Management Features Suite (.cfg): + Follow Party Leader's Dialog (Gatekeepers; Gift of Vitality; Hellbound Warpgate) + Follow Party Leader's .town Teleports + Forward Drop to Party Leader (drop/spoil) + Item Broker Private Store Search * Increased Raids attack/defense * Increased Raids drop chance * Increased Epics attack/defense + Global Chat - Macro Reuse Glitch + Dispel Dance/Song + Extra drop for raids over 52 (subject to change) * Decreased clan penalties (6 hours to rejoin) * Decreased Clan level up member requirements - now increases by 10 for every level (level 6: 30, level 7: 40) + 10s teleport protection * Reduced Epics spawn and sleep items to 10 minutes + Display debuff chance * Adjusted automatic event rewards (subject to change) and timing * Pathfinding update * Decreased experience loss * Decreased Olympiad port wait time (120s -> 60s) * Olympiad Classed games only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays + Display Olympiad opponent's class * Decreased blue raid drop penalty (2 levels -> 4 levels difference) * Increased PK penalty (x2) and decreased karma loss (/3 SP & /2 death) * Increased Karma equipment drop chance (10% weapon; 20% armor) * Increased Clan level requirement for Clan Halls (level 2 -> 5) * Increased Clan Hall lease and function prices (x10) * Increased Fishing drop chance (+50%) * Increased Clan Reputation Rewards for academy (+50%) and for winning a Castle Siege (+100%) * Increased Manor seed/crop limit (+50%) * Decreased char deletion period to 1 day - Fall damage + Offline Private stores + Offline Buff stores * Updated vote rewards to match Bartz
    2 points
  42. We are very excited about our new Lineage2Toggle project launch and we are looking for passionate people to join our support team. Botting and Lineage2 High Five itself can be intimidating to start for the first time or return after a break. We're looking for members of the Lineage 2 community who would like to help guide others through botting and Lineage2 High Five. To apply, please create a topic (only visible to you and the team) under the Support Team Applications sub-category with some information about yourself, any previous experience, and why do you think you’d be a good fit for the role? Two such opportunities are: 1. Game Coach [GC] 2. Event Manager [EM] 1. Game Coach [GC] Duties: • Provide community support. Guide the lost • Moderate public chats and forums (Note: White chat is public. Party/Clan/Alliance chats are considered as sub-communities where the leader is responsible for moderation) • Help by gathering and directing feedback and reports Privileges/Access: • Moderator Role on Community Discord • Moderator Role on Community Forum • Extremely limited GM Character. No access to items and anything game impacting. • CoL gift baskets 2. Event Manager [EM] Duties: • Run Custom IG Events • Run IG Tournaments • Run Offline events, promotions, and contests • Make it rain - spread around the CoL and spread it on thick. Privileges/Access: • Bling Roles on Discord/Forum • Event GM cannot have any other characters • Limited GM Character. Can perform limited actions on players (summon, mark, paralyze, etc). • Does have access to items, but receives CoL and other items to give away as rewards. • Joy of spreading those CoL thick.
    2 points
  43. @arbusto you can use autoclick (v2.1), but make sure to run it as administrator.
    2 points
  44. Hello guys. Here a simple Script for Rebuff with L2Adrenaline (Same procedure from my 2 last topics for L2Tower and L2Project). This script is simple, but works trying to identify the Song of Wind buff (with not in the buff bar, rebuff): //Divon Augusto® - L2Toggle 2020 var Figth_Flag:boolean; Item: TL2Item; Npc: TL2Npc; Obj: TL2Buff; IdBuff: integer; Buffs:TL2Buff; var L2Skill: TL2Skill; procedure buff; begin delay(500); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbshome'); delay(500); Engine.BypassToServer('12'); delay(500); Engine.BypassToServer('1b'); delay(500); Engine.BypassToServer('13'); end; procedure toBuff; begin IdBuff:=268 ; //Song of Wind while not User.Buffs.ById(IdBuff,obj) do begin Print('Checking Buffs Buffs!'); buff; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin //repeat the script Print('Repeating !!!'); repeat toBuff; until Engine.Status = lsOffline; Delay(5000); end. Hope it helps. You're free for modify or increment this Script. Best regards.
    2 points
  45. The easiest way to find-out the Community links is to open the Community tab, right-click and "View Source" - you should see the HTML code of the page along with the links - search for <a> tags and their "href" attributes.
    2 points
  46. Taken Aden on Lionna for the 1st time is probably mine. What an awesome thing to be a part of!
    2 points
  47. Original link updated with working IP address. Thanks for letting me know @marcoswrbl
    2 points
  48. My old gaming family made a video of our time together in Lineage 2 SEA - Wunderkind alliance I miss the old days XD
    2 points
  49. Our team believes that communication is key, so we are going all in and introduce you to the “Tuesday Toggle Topic” or TTT! Our weekly* newsletter about what has happened, how things work, and what’s next. We will try to keep it short (1-3 topics) and dense with information. This week we would like to share a little about Alpha Test Server and preparations involved. Alpha Opening L2Toggle was and is no small undertaking. It took us ages to discuss and agree on all the things that come with an L2 Server. Right after that, we focused on testing and fixing bugs, but we’d need testers, and in order to get testers we needed to build the L2Toggle brand and forum. This came with its own challenges. We designed and deployed the whole infrastructure to be as dynamic and portable as possible, so we wouldn’t be locked in with one vendor or end up paying large rental fees. After months of hard work and a lot of patience, we have a running alpha server. Alpha Wolves are hard at work testing and reporting what they’re most passionate about. GMs helping out where they can and also running their own tests. Taskboard is as busy as ever. “Alpha has proven to be a great tool to not only fix issues prior to launch but perhaps more so it has generated a lot of discussions between the team and the Alpha Wolves. For example, one of the topics being discussed currently is buffs. Buffs play a huge role in any server and L2Toggle is no exception. There are pros and cons to every scenario and while we know not everyone will be happy with the server features 100% of the time, we are committed to thinking through each issue rather than making quick, knee jerk reactions. We are hoping that the discussions generated in Alpha testing will lead to a better Beta launch where issues are then finely tuned prior to the official launch.” - Head GM @Arthose. We are immensely proud that we didn’t give in to temptations to take the easy route, instead we stubbornly stayed the course. Alpha Server has shown itself to be more than a bug testing environment, but also an inspiration for ideas for the smooth future of L2Toggle. We want to thank Alpha Wolves and all our followers for their time and support. We have a great journey in front of us. Toggle Team
    2 points
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