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  1. L2Project requires .net framework >= 4.5. For some Win7 instances you may need to download and install this framework version from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42642 and also, since L2Project JavaScript is run by V8, you may also need to install MS C++ Redistributable https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=windows+7+redist
  2. Exposed host types for TcpClient, TcpListener, IPAddress and Task at L2Project v2.3.3
  3. Yes - I can also confirm the text is duplicated in the CreatureSay packet. Apparently the native Lineage2 client somehow works this around, but the packet itself does contain the message twice, and the size is properly calculated (with the duplicated text)
  4. L2Project v2.3.2 : https://bit.ly/3rxPYus - Feature added: Ability to draw a polygon combat area - Feature added: Auto-path finder inside the combat area (experimental)
  5. Yes - no Z range limit there. This is more generic configuration - you can specify the Z-range limit at Combat Settings -> "Z limit".
  6. Which L2p version you are using? Which server - I was trying 2.3.1 on Bartz (#1) and it doesn't seem to duplicate the message?
  7. Actually, the event was named "OnStopMove". In favor of better naming convention it will be renamed to "OnMoveStop". This change, along with the fix for the bug mentioned in this thread will be delivered with L2p version 2.3.2
  8. Bug has been found. The fix will be delivered with the next L2p version (2.3.2)
  9. @neo could you please confirm you are using the latest L2p version 2.3.1 (https://bit.ly/2ZQlFDw) - I have some troubles in reproducing that issue.
  10. @neo could you please confirm you are using the latest L2p version 2.3.1 (https://bit.ly/2ZQlFDw) - I have some troubles in reproducing that issue.
  11. Again, sounds to me like a protocol version issue here. I will double-check.
  12. I have thought about such an option, but this requires a lot of CPU power to calculate all the time the obstacles and try to avoid them. The idea of L2p is to be as light as possible in order for you to be able to run multiple instances. Although, I don't want this to sound like an excuse, and I will think of some solution (another idea is to have a list of rectangular combat zones, and the bot moves from the current combat zone to the next one once there are no more mobs left to kill) I will keep you updated - thank you.
  13. Sounds like a bug - I will check. Thanks @neo
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