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neo last won the day on January 24 2022

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  1. Hello, I did scaffold base L2Project Documentation you can find it here: https://neo279.github.io/l2project-doc/
  2. @Nick I can but it is ignored. This can be tested in TOI eg. 5th floor.
  3. Awesome improvements in v2.3.5, thank you!
  4. Sorry, there are multiple servers shown, but the other ones do not contain correct data => IP address is parsed incorrectly, which does not allow you to connect to the other servers.
  5. It would be nice to allow a polygon as combat zone instead of rectangle, also if bot could move around only in combat zone, it would be perfect.
  6. For some reason this server sends the party and other messages twice in the packet, this then confuses the follow mode and other party members do not recognize the commands to use.
  7. This would be really nice to have, OnMoveStop event could trigger when something stops moving in the world, also when something enters the destination point.
  8. I would expect this event to trigger when something moves in the world. It seems to me that only when pet does trigger this event.
  9. In order to create better scripts it would be nice to have some sort of way of communicating to the outside world. IMO easiest would be simple TCP Client, that allows: Connect to a TCP Server (local/remote) Receive/Send packets in a non blocking way (async) Simple enough interface to use
  10. It would be great to have possibility to reload user config (XML File), via the script. Same as load config button, but without disconnecting the player from the server. RunCommand("/config reload");
  11. It seems that there is no Z range limit when using this advanced combat condition.
  12. When account has more than one character, it's not possible to select other than selected character and other characters do not show correct name. Only first character shows correct name.
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