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  1. Yesterday
  2. yes zealot+sos, didn't do tests zealot+sos+judi
  3. So I did some testing and it seems that CC is working for 2H Blunts in general, just not under sos+zealot. Just want to make sure I understand the issue. I did some testing. Will do more after your reply.
  4. Last week
  5. While blunt weapon equipped, sos+zealot active - CC trigger crit dmg bonus dont work With 2h sword equipped CC trigger crit dmg bonus works s_trigger_counter_critical1 {p_critical_damage;{sword;blunt;dagger;dualdagger;dual;dualfist;pole;ancientsword;rapier};100;per} s_zealot1 {p_critical_damage;{blunt;dualfist};100;per} s_spirit_of_shillien1 {p_critical_damage;{blunt};100;per}
  6. +1 please, any good soul that can provide the latest version of l2project?
  7. Earlier
  8. Looking for advice as to how to keep a pole user stationary while targetting in FoG. The mobs all come to me, i just want to stand and kill them without moving everywhere.
  9. Looking for Late-Night Excitement in Your City Most realistic sex game
  10. Explore 'Dating for Sex' with Honesty and Consent. Most realistic porn game
  11. Thanks bro, but we prefer sex with our bots
  12. Can't give any advices without more detailed description. 1. What the application that crashes with this error - L2 or L2Project? 2. What the state of current processes in Task Manager? 3. (Stupid question) May be your hard drive ran out of space? 4. Did you enable swap file in Windows? If no then you should enable it 5. Turn off memory-leakers in client like animations etc? 6. How often this happens? If it happens always then for how long the appl had been working before it crashed?
  13. Ive been getting this critical error and i have no idea why. Never really ben an issue in the past. PC has 32gig of RAM and im running 2 L2 windows and 9 L2project windows... I cant imagine im running out of memory.. Anyone know of a solution?
  14. xammer

    MP from kura

    58 kura does not pour mp to the magician 55 lvl.I do not know if these are such settings on the server, but this is the first time I encounter this, usually without any penalty, mp pours and buffets or with a difference of 20 lvl.please check for correctness
  15. Hi people I hope you are well. First of all, sorry for my english, im not native Well, i need some help/advice with territorial war. 1) ¿i can train my own "sacrificies" to kill them and obtain badges?. I used to do this (in other servers) but i dont know if works here and u know, im new, lvl 5 characters to 60+ is something complicated to my actually. 2) ¿where i can kill them? ¿only in castle/fortress bf? ¿gludin/giran/coliseum works to kill these characters and obtain rewards?. Actually im just logging and obtain 10 badges...wanna more Thx for read. Folstag
  16. You're free to use or edit interface, as long as it's not exploiting bugs or spamming the server
  17. Hey, any problem wit client modifications? U know, touch interface and other similar stuff.
  18. Hi all, I'm a new member of your community. And I'm very interested in a bot for Lineage2 High Five. Very much want to bot on one server, but before I would like to discuss with the guys the issue of support and customization of the client. I see this as a good potential for the community, and if a bot can be installed there, I think the program will become very popular. So, I really want to run a bot on one server. Please help to join your team. P.S. I noticed that some posts are created in Ru lang. I was wondering how best to format posts? I can communicate both in Ru and in English. Thanks
  19. Hey, everybody, I'mI just joined the community. Saw this post and was interested, but I checked and the link doesn't seem to work. Maybe this section is not the best for finding a bot for Lineage 2 Hive Five client. Can you please advise if your post is relevant? Thanks
  20. Is it still doing this? I get this error every couple of months but usually goes away after a little bit of time.
  21. Press C and point the adsmon2 to the adrenaline program. not Start.exe nor L2.exe
  22. Im getting this when running adsmon2.exe:
  23. Hello, could you tell me if it works on L2 Getwork? In the game, you press Alt+B and then click on Buffer and then on the save that you created as a buffer, as in the image below, after pressing Alt+B I click on Buffer and then on this scheme that I created called BuffMB
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