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Character Identification


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In regards to staff. Has anyone talked about staff identifying their characters? Hopefully, it would help people not jump to conclusions when/if they find out your character names.

I've played on a few servers in the past that identified staff and were rewarded for it with more players. People like it when the administrators are playing with them, when they are open about doing so, and are informed of the guidelines staff is required to follow. It gives players confidence that they are being ethical, and therefore not gifting themselves too many things.

Granted - Staff should be rewarded for helping us plebs.

Feel free to ignore me. This just a suggestion.

Thanks again for starting this project.



Edited by Jdub
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  • Toggle Staff

First of all, thank you! It means a lot and I mean it.

This topic was something we were talking even before we had a name or an actual team. It's been on my mind since I read your post. So it's not a new thought, you just put a deadline on it, haha.

I trust every person on Toggle team to do what is best for the project and keep the firewall between Toggle duties and playing. Yes, you would get faster customer support if you get stuck somewhere "glitchy", but nothing more. So it came down to a question "What would be the best from players perspective?"

Before I cover that, I'd like to mention why this was a hot topic. As some of you know, we are players with addictive passion for this old-ass game, with some skills in some areas. And together with your help we are building a server that we all would like to play. To be a player, enjoy the struggle, the fights for farming spots, the good, the bad, the evil. Want it or not, being labeled as GM messes with that. (Hey, maybe we'll do like a GM on/off thing once in a while).

We believe that complete openness and freedom will be the best option for the community. The easiest way to achieve it will be a list of characters on a forum post. I'm not even sure if we have any characters yet, but I will post it as soon as I have gathered information. I will add some rules and reasons too. But basically complete wall between GM vs non-GM and a characters list in a forum post.

Thank you again. And personally, thank you to the team for their passion and hard work!


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