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[Kain] Changelog [2021-03-27]


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Please note, that balance changes are very likely.

+ Added/Enabled 
- Removed/Disabled
* Fixed/Edited

+ Master Account Premium - all characters on both servers receive Premium if the Master Account has active Premium
+ Community Buffer Party Schemes - buff a party with same scheme
* Increased Cruma Tower spawn rates
* Fix Cruma Tower Teleporter Cubes

* Queen Ant reword. Difficulty greatly increased (~Bartz). Drops replaced. Ring of Queen Ant 100% (lvl 44)
* Core rework. Level reduced to 40 (+-4 level minions). Difficulty greatly increased. Drops replaced. Ring of Core 100%
* Orfen rework. Level increased to 60 (+-2 level minions). Difficulty adjusted. Drops replaced. Earing of Orfen 100%
* Hard Zaken stats adjusted. Earing of Zaken 100%.
* Baium rework. Level increased to 83. Difficulty adjusted. Drops replaced. Ring of Baium 100%
* Frintezza Bosses' stats adjusted. Drops increased. Necklace of Frintezza 100%
* Freya stats adjusted. Drops adjusted. Necklace of Freya 100%
* Antharas difficulty adjusted. Drops adjusted. Earing of Antharas 100%
* Valakas difficulty adjusted. Drops adjusted. Necklace of Valakas 100%

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