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Posts posted by Mantosh

  1. 10 hours ago, Jdub said:

    Thank you for this, I will test/share.

    What I am really after is -

    How did you get this information?  I understand certain things about scripts like how they are structured and I am slowly learning the proper syntax for writing them but is there a script I can use to record the packets being sent to the server in order to obtain things like skill/item/npc ids or links like below?

    _cbbsbuffer get 0 2_0 1


    I got it from the back end of the server 😶

    I know you can record bypasses with paid Adrenaline. Also, L2net has a "packet tool" where you can see all outgoing and incoming packets - I used to just grab the packet, convert HEX to letters and that's the bypass 🙂

    Very likely that there are other (easier?) ways to obtain it, I was just used to my way and didn't look for other options.

  2. 10 hours ago, Jdub said:

    It's a matter of being jaded. We are all so familiar with having 1100 casting speed that it feels odd/bad to just have prophet buffs and nothing else. Fortunately I can enjoy the game either way and a high quality server like this has me genuinely excited. Which is a lot to say after so many years of the same fucking game, all other games are still shit - less shadowbane. Which has a new server opening soon btw, plan to bot on both. 😎

    Yep, it's hard to get excited about having less than you just had (especially if you're coming from a higher rate server). 

    10 hours ago, Jdub said:

    I have thought long and hard about how to change many classes in lineage 2 in order to make them viable on the private server landscape. I have went so far as to outline various server concepts but never actually learned enough about java to pull off my own server

    Very familiar story 🙂 We too have multiple huge ideas for features, expansions, games even, but we chose to be modest for our first launch and work on stability of the server and existing features. We are also spending time on improving party management and making multiboxing easier. Us having experience in playing and dealing with all of it really helped us focus on most annoying aspects.

    10 hours ago, Jdub said:

    I have played 100's of private servers starting around 2010(at least 250), which is when I started to get serious about my real life job. I wanted high rates but not before playing official servers during open beta test through the Kamael update, I know a lot about this game. On official servers(devianne) I have; owned castles, been hero for long periods, and botted to the high heavens. At one point I was selling $1500 US dollars worth of adena a month with the help of a friend that could code. 

    Very cool! We are glad to have such a knowledgeable player base 🙂 Also, it seems we'll have a good concentration of "old" retail players! I love it

    10 hours ago, Jdub said:

    Long story short - I'm glad you're open to exploring different buff concepts and not deleting my posts.

    Always open to hear feedback, good or bad 🙂 We will try not to delete your posts in the future too 😄


  3. 5 hours ago, HugoL2 said:

    Hello,  I have seen most of this Admins names and avatars on Idle for years.  I am curious why you would use those same names.  

    Hello and welcome, Hugo. I don't really see a reason why not, so it's hard for me to address your question 🙂

    We are fans of the game and botting in general, that's why we played and pushed for that server's success. We were top contributors on the old forum (which got replaced) and you can probably find me saying good things about it on older posts on pmfun and mxc.

    We were offering to help, over and over, just to see community thrive. But you can bang your head against a wall so many times..

  4. 6 hours ago, Kaax said:

    I have mixed feelings on the buffs. on the 1 hand I love not having the party have so much support on the other I have no idea how to automate my bots so I don't have to babysit them every 3 hours so would likely have to make buffers anyway. I do Wish you could have went with the original idea of combining buffers into 1 class (even just bd/sws) but it is what it is.

    However once you decide to go with the alt +b buffer route you can't go back on that. Imagine people who make lvl 85 parties and no buffers and you take away or even reduce alt+b buffs? it would kill the server.

    Yes, that might have been fun, but we didn't want to start breaking things right away as it would require a lot of testing.

    Not on live server, no.

    Forgot to mention. I've plans to share a rebuff script at least for adrenaline. With current workload that will be after launch.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 5/11/2020 at 9:20 PM, Jdub said:

    I'm not very knowledgeable and could use some help. How do I see what commands are being sent to the server when I click a button?

    Trying to figure out what commands I need to send using ReqBypassToServer

    This is for L2 Project.

    Little help?

    NOTE: This post has been edited because the information was incorrect.

    I am writing this after I wrote the rest of the post. I hope it's no surprise that we didn't write all the features ourselves, almost the whole alt+b buffer came with the files. The bypass processing is... Weird. You can see the patterns, and go from there. Here's a few examples.

    Buff with Default Warrior Scheme:


    _bbshome opens Community Board
    12 clicks on Buff
    15 clicks on Warrior (Change to 14 for Defender, 16 for Mage)
    13 click on Buff Me (Change accordingly if you want to buff party or pet)

    Buff with your 1st own scheme:


    1b clicks on 1st "Own Scheme" counting from the top (Change to 1c for 2nd scheme and so on.)

    Hope this helps! And if you would share your final findings that would help others in the future. Cheers

  6. 16 minutes ago, Jdub said:

    I understand why people like to have easy access to the best buffs, who wants to level buffers? I don't like to get owned by mobs and attack slow either. BUT.

    I feel the buffs are a little overboard. Cov @ lev 1 makes choice of hunting areas almost trivial and removes the advantage veteran players have in regards to mob/party strength, Adena/ph, efficiency, etc.. You just pick the highest level mob you can possibly hit.. Cov is 5 minutes for a reason. It makes the game a lot less challenging/fun, pvp lasts seconds and instead of being somewhat strategic it's more about who has better items. IE. Some classes should never beat others 1v1, unless there is a level discrepancy. Cov/dances/songs forever - just kinda white washes huge parts of the game.


    I agree. We've discussed this on TTT #6. I would definitely revisit this topic for a future update.

  7. Lineage 2 Toggle is going live Saturday, May 16th!

    Together with Alpha Wolves, clan leaders, and experienced players the team behind L2Toggle has been working long and hard to bring you the player experience that you deserve! Come and see for yourself how easy botting can be!

    We want to thank you for considering our project and as a token of appreciation, all Master Accounts will be Premium for two weeks starting from launch! All characters under Premium Master Account have Premium Account status so you'll be able to enjoy all the bonuses it provides.

    Meanwhile, the OBT server is open and waiting for testers. 


    • Like 5
  8. 41 minutes ago, Cagebob said:

    Hey, fellas I just stumbled upon a stream today on duckrat's channel and saw an amazing logo of your server on his t-shirt, so I was wondering can I get one of those somehow?

    Hello and welcome. Let me get back to you on this 🙂

  9. Edit: Topic Archived

    We are very happy with all the feedback and reports coming in. The more issues we resolve, the smoother our server will live. We thank everyone testing and reporting. Your effort will be rewarded with Master Account Experience.

    Our team is using an internal tool to track all reports, but we want to have a place were we can make community aware of any issues and progress being done to negate them.

    Issue Workflow

    [ Inbox & Backlog ] -> [ Ready ] -> [ Progress ] -> [ Committed ] -> [ Closed: Resolved ]
                                      ->                  ->                      ->                           -> [ Closed: Invalid ]
                                      ->                  ->                      ->                           -> [ Closed: Backlog ]

    Known Issues

    • [ Closed: Resolved ] - Vote rewards not working
    • [ Closed: Resolved ] - Passenger Boat Info spam.
    • [ Committed ] - FA Not tradeable
    • [ Ready ] - Summons don't copy master's buffs on summon
    • [ Progress ] - Mail not working
    • [ Ready ] - Blue gemstone quest doesn't work 100%
    • [ Ready ] - Party Leader Quest Follow - doesn't follow if the condition is met by pressing Quest - Toggle Staff: The feature has it's limitations, we will investigate the matter.


     Advanced issues found
     Advanced issues found
    • [ Closed: Resolved ] [ @sot443 ]  PC buff duration is not increased.
    • [ Closed: Backlog ] [ BobbyDazzler ] told me that his pet got transported from AQ for being too high level (Which i am fine with) but then when he logged off and back on he was in town.  It also made his summon unsummon able until he relogged.  Just something that needs to be looked at.  I will try to recreate tonight. - Toggle Staff: Sent to backlog due to low priority.
    • [ Closed: Resolved ] [ nalfien ] rb lvl 47 Barion to tank in Full B 52 = RB hitting for 25-32 damage per swing, even with adds healer never had to heal - Toggle Staff: RB stats increased
    • [ Closed: Resolved ] [ nalfien ] Raid Boss's not regening hp much after failed attempt. After 15min barely 5% hp regenerated (Sample Discarded Guardian)
    • [ Closed: Resolved ] [ @Twitch_DuckRat90 ] Seven Signs, Series of Doubt quest having trouble exiting movie.
    • [ Closed: Invalid ] [ @Arthose ] kookaburras do not recharge mp. 
    • [ Closed: Backlog ] @Twitch_DuckRat90 ] Services -> Armor change. Putting formal gear on creates a "punching noise" every time your character moves.Toggle Staff: Sent to backlog due to low priority. Also, the system will be reworked soon anyway.
  10. On 4/28/2020 at 7:49 AM, sot443 said:

    Buff Times: 2 Hour (+1 Hr PA)

    From Alt+B Buffs? Because from chars are 20 & 40 min.

    All* buffs' duration will be increased. We had it done before and I guess the edit got lost in translation somewhere. Nice catch.

    Edit: Fixed 🙂

  11. Hello, fellow botters! The Open Beta Test server is live and stable and we would like to invite you to see what L2Toggle is all about. 
    As previously mentioned, all active testers and contributors will be rewarded on their Master Account, and rewards will persist to the Live server. All good deeds will be rewarded.
    We believe communication is key, so don’t hesitate to ask questions on the forums and discord.

    How to Connect

    Game Client
    Recommended way: L2Toggle High Five Client (full) v1.0 direct download from Google Drive

    Alternative way: H5 Client + Patch

    Create a Master Account & Login
    Create Gameserver Accounts

    Toggle Bot On
    Checkout pinned topics on Adrenaline sub-forum to get started with Adrenaline bot
    *more bot guides to come*

    Start the Game
    Launch game client
    Login using Gameserver Account & password

    During Beta (more so than on Live) the Community Board (Alt+B) will be your go-to place for everything. Start there and browse around. Please note the tag on some of the tabs and buttons - it means that the feature is enabled for Beta Testing purposes and will be removed/disabled for the Live server.
    Checkout guides sub-forum for ever-growing knowledge base
    The Features post has a list of features and changes we’ve implemented so far
    Join Discord


    • Like 2
  12. 9 hours ago, Jerri said:

    Nice. That history is cool. Who can see it, only self? Would be cool too have a clan history and all clan members could see each others progress.

    Thanks! Right now you can only see your own history. We have plans in development how to build on this further. We would love to hear your suggestions though.

    Also, what events you'd like to get recorded?

  13. XP x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit) (+20% Rec)
    SP x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit) (+20% Rec)
    Adena Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit)
    Item Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit)
    Spoil Rate x1 (+30% PA) (+50% Vit)
    Boss Drops x2
    Quest x1 (+30% PA)
    Manor x1

    * PA - Premium Account; Vit - Vitality; Rec - Nevit's Blessings Recommend bonus

    Anti-Bot: Disabled


    Buff Times: 2 Hour (+1 Hr PA)
    Maximum # of Buffs: 24+4
    Maximum # of Song/Dance: 14
    Alt+B Buffs: Yes* (more buffs with PA) such as image.png.0fe10e1a86531d99dc4b54f61ec72a5e.png
    Buff Schemes for self, party, and pet.

    Party Schemes

    Class Master: Yes
    Noble Quest: Retail
    Subclass Quest : No
    Max Subclass Level: 85
    GM Shop: Up to A-Grade in Giran Luxury Shop
    Mammons' features available on BS Pushkin and WH Taurin

    Toggle Services

    Donate & Vote stores can be found at all Dimensional Merchants.
    Max Clients: None, (20 per Master account)
    Auto Learn Skills: On (Except forgotten)
    Auto Loot: On/Off
    Raid Boss drops: Retail (on the ground)
    Weight Limit: x100
    Inventory limit: 180 regular/250 dwarf
    Mana Potions: Yes (Mana over time with reuse delay)

    L2 Party Farming

    Raid Bosses:
    Drop x2
    Regen x4
    Defense x2
    Attack x3

    Queen Ant: Stats adjusted; Low level only zone; Drops adjusted to useful C grade; Ring of Queen Ant drop chance increased to 50%.
    Core/Orfen: Stats adjusted; Drops adjusted.
    Baium: Level increased to 83; Stats increased; Drops S80 gear; Increase SA leveling.
    Antharas/Valakas: Stats adjusted; Drops drastically increased (Mid/Top S84).

    Raid instances minimum characters required reduced to 9 characters. Please note that some instances are designed for two parties!
    Nighttime Zaken minimum characters required reduced to 18.

    Regular Enchant rate:  Retail (+3% PA)
    Blessed Enchant rate: Retail
    Safe Enchant: +4
    Element Max Level: 7
    Element Stone Chance: 50%
    Element Crystal Chance: 30%

    Follow Party Leaders NPC Dialog

    Other features:


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  14. We are happy to announce that the Open Beta Test Server is now live! We invite you to check out what we’ve made so far and get a feeling of what’s to come. All active testers will receive rewards. Look for more info on our site and forums.

    We will be posting short feature previews to introduce the features and changes we’ve made so far. Features like Master Account, Achievements, Follow Party Leader Dialog and Vitality rework.


    Note: Tabs with tag are for Open Beta Testing only.

    For a more detailed list, please follow to the Features post.
    To get started head to How to Start Beta Testing post.

    From the whole L2Toggle team, welcome and enjoy your stay.

  15. Ha, it really is. How do you know when I removed the status? 😲 I'm not even sure when.

    Is it a coincidence that two accounts log in through same VPS/proxies and few times someone forgot to turn it on and recorded a real location?

    Let's just stop here, if that's ok with you, Gillian?


    Welcome to the (late) 4th edition of Tuesday Toggle Topic!

    The Alpha Stage continues as we’re moving towards feature updates. It has been more than a few weeks since the last update, so this time it’s packed with fixes, updates, and improvements. You can find the complete list of changes here. Content-wise we have updates to mobs AIs on newer zones and Lucky Pigs. Some of the bug fixes were as simple as changing a few fields or lines but a selected handful is a complete pain. We’ve been trying to find the cause for mobs to become 10x harder to kill after killing the same spawn (with bots that’s unavoidable) for three weeks now! We even end up creating custom debugging features just to help us find leads with it.

    L2Toggle team brainstorming on how to reproduce a bug.

    TTT - Test Test Test?

    To achieve a stable and reliable server we need to know what’s wrong and what’s missing. To do that, we need to relentlessly test all the features created throughout the years and that’s no small task. With the help of our dedicated Alpha Wolves, we are moving forward day by day.

    Just last Sunday we had our first testing event organized by @Arthose and carried out together with @FrostIce and @ElMuerte. In a few hours span, the team was able to conquer a castle, fight Baium and get destroyed by Antharas! We want to make this a recurring affair so please keep an eye on our discord for more announcements.

    Sunday Testing Event - Baium fight. 

    With all this work being done and things being polished for a better experience, we still have a high demand for testing capabilities. So if you’ve been hesitant to join Alpha Wolves, don’t be! It’s as easy as filling out an application! In return, you get to shape the project closer to your vision and a handful of shiny things in-game.

    Fixing issues and adjusting content is no small task, but that’s only a part of what we do here. After we got familiar with the files and their state, we are now confident that we can take some of the focus away from bug fixes and shift it towards features. We are happy to say that we have multiple features being worked on right now and they will start rolling out quite soon. Speaking of future features.

    Party Dialog

    As we all know Lineage2 was not created as a group controlling RPG and L2Toggle being a bot allowed server that has to be addressed! We are happy to announce that the first major quality of life (QOL) update will be the Party Dialog feature.

    What that is and how it works, you might ask. If you’ve ever played L2 and had to move and control more than a few boxes, you should be familiar with the pain of having to switch between clients to talk to NPCs, teleport, or go through quest dialogs. I hope most of you had some kind of script to help with that! Well, we have good news for you! Party Dialog feature adds additional dialog options to NPCs so that most (TBD) dialog actions (including teleports and quests!) could be performed for the whole party from a single character. Want to teleport a whole party? It’ll be as simple as a single* click. Want to do a quest on all party members? Just have your party with you and choose the Party Dialog option when going through the quest’s steps. The team already has multiple ideas on how to “abuse” this feature to ease-up leveling and gameplay in general. We can’t wait to see the creative ways this will be used in the future.

    Please, let us know if you think of any other QOL features you’d like to see implemented.

    Here’s to another productive week on L2Toggle!

  17. + Added/Enabled
    - Removed/Disabled
    * Fixed/Edited
    [A] applies to Alpha Test Server only.

    + Lucky Pigs
    + Field Of Silence monsters AI
    + Field Of Whispers monsters AI
    * Giants Cave AI
    * Sel Mahum Training Grounds Society
    * Monsters Aggression Range
    * Current XP not being updated on the client after a resurrection
    * .town command not exiting an instance
    + [A] Running speed increase by 50
    * [A] Max running speed to 330
    * Herb drops - disabled buff herb drops
    - Herb drop view from shift-click
    - [A] Death Penalty
    + Multisell Range Limit
    * Tower of Insolence doors
    + Debugging features



    P.S. This time we had a changelog ready! 

  18. Welcome to the 3rd edition of Tuesday Toggle Topic!

    Alpha Testing continues as we test, fix, and re-test basically the entire game.  It is exhausting work, but vitally important to ensure a stable and fair server for you.  One of the many debates our staff had was deciding on server files.  While using server files from Sunrise would have been the ‘easy’ way to go, we found it prohibited change.  Sure many bugs would have already been fixed, features tested, and provided a quicker launch date, but using pre-compiled files ‘locks’ in certain features. Ultimately we wanted the ability to modify any and all features even if that meant a longer testing/fixing phase.  Thus, we landed on L2jServer.  While L2jServer has its own set of problems, we believe that putting in the hard work now will provide us with a better server with more options in the future.

    Now let’s talk about something old, but something new. Vitality!


    We believe retail vitality had good intentions, but poor execution. A feature aimed to help newbies and casual players ended up being abused by P2W “mechanics”. That is why we want to give vitality a 2nd chance and a facelift. That being said, Vitality on L2Toggle will be rare and modified as described below:

    • Vitality will have the same effect on all vitality levels.
    • Vitality levels will be equalized so that one level would represent 1/4 of total vitality.
    • Vitality will increase XP/SP/Adena/Drop/Spoil by +50%.
    • Every day 2 levels of vitality will be refreshed.
    • The player will be able to disable vitality usage so that you could plan how to spend it.
    • Nevit’s blessing will be controllable too so that you could plan when to use it.
    • Vitality replenishing items and actions will be scarce (No Steve Shyagel)
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