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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/23 in all areas

  1. Dear Togglers. After a 'brief waiting period' we are happy to announce the launch date of our latest server creation, Erica. Erica will be launching on May 27th, 2023. We appreciate how patient everyone has been while we have been getting this prepared for you... All jokes aside, we realize our timeline to launch Erica has really dragged out. Both Mantosh and I have had a very hard start in 2023. Personally, I almost lost my wife earlier this year in a surgery gone wrong and recently lost a brother. Mantosh, who enjoys suffering in silence, has had his share of hardships as well. That said, life happens, we get that, and life happening is exactly why L2toggle exists. A botting allowed server where you can grind while at work, at school, or just cause you don't feel like being on the PC that evening but still want to progress. Erica comes with those same quality of life upgrades you have enjoyed in our previous servers which include mass party teleporting, .town, quick party confirmations, just to name a few. Due to popular demand for a slightly harder server, Erica will have a heavily reduced community buffer (newbie buffs) and retail like buff durations. Mana potions have been a topic of a conversations and have been reduced to 150 total MP (10MP/second for 15 seconds) and their cost has been increased. In short, you'll need buffers and rechargers. We also recognize change isn't for everyone and if you still prefer the current setup that our Bartz server is based on, don't worry. Bartz is, and always will, remain open per our 'no wipes' pledge we made 3 years ago. Looking forward to seeing you all on May 27th! Happy Toggling! ~[GM]Arthose
    1 point
  2. We are happy to announce the next chapter of L2Toggle - a new hardcore botting server starting May 27, 2023 - Erica! The open beta server is still running to allow us all to test things out while we work on bringing Erica's vision to life. What's different for Erica is that we want to bring the game back to its retail roots - low rates, rewarding grind, and competitive gameplay. Erica will have only a few buffs on Alt+b, very similar to what a newbie buffer has, so buffers will be crucial this time around. Most buff durations have been adjusted a little to give more freedom for gameplay and allow easier mana management, especially in the early game. The Feature List is complete, yet we might make a few adjustments before opening. The server will continuously receive updates and balance changes. Please report any discrepancies between forum topics/change log/discord/in-game information. Rates: XP x1 (+30% PA) (+30% Vit) (+10% Rec) SP x1 (+30% PA) (+30% Vit) (+10% Rec) Adena Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+20% Vit) Item Drop x1 (+30% PA) (+20% Vit) Spoil Rate x1 (+30% PA) (+20% Vit) Boss Drops x2 Quest x1 Manor x1 * PA - Premium Account; Vit - Vitality; Rec - Nevit's Blessings Recommend bonus Anti-Bot: Disabled Buff Times: Retail except Dance/Song/Summon 5 min Maximum # of Buffs: 24+4 Maximum # of Song/Dance: 14 Alt+B Buffs: Low - Similar to Newbie Helper Alt+B Buff Schemes for self, pet, and party. Class Master: Yes [Alt+B -> Career -> Professions] *Increased pricing from Bartz (20k->50k / 200->500k) Noble Quest: Retail Subclass Quest : No [Alt+B -> Career -> Subclass] Max Subclass Level: 85 GM Shop: No, only vote store and Mana Potions in Grocery stores. Mammons' features available in Giran at Blacksmith Pushkin. Tiered Auction starting with Dynasty Donate & Vote stores can be found at all Dimensional Merchants. Olympiad: Heroes every month Limit enchant Weapon: +10 Limit enchant Armor/Jewel: +6 Max Clients: None (20 per Master account) Max Clients in PvP zone: 10! Auto Learn Skills: On (Except forgotten) Auto Loot: On/Off Raid Boss drops: Retail (on the ground) Weight Limit: x200 Inventory limit: 200 regular/250 dwarf Mana Potions: Yes (10MP/s 15s) *Greatly lowered compared to Bartz Raid Bosses: Drop x2 Regen x1.2 Defense x1.2 Attack x1.2 Level 52+ Raids drop 1-3 CoL; FA; and other rewards Epics: Epic Jewels rework! Queen Ant: Stats adjusted; Low level only zone; Drops adjusted to useful C grade. Core/Orfen: Levels & Stats adjusted; Drops adjusted. Baium: Level increased to 83; Stats increased; Drops S80 gear; Increased SA leveling. Antharas/Valakas: Stats adjusted; Drops drastically increased (Mid/Top S84). More on Epic Boss update here. Respawns: Queen Ant (40): 24±4 Core (40): 24±4 Orfen (60): 48±4 Zaken (55-65 / 78-85) (9 chars): Mon/Wed/Fri 6:30 AM Zaken (55-65) (18 chars+): Wed 6:30 AM Baium (83): 120+8 Valakas (85): 264+8 Antharas (85): 192+8 Sailren (80): 24+24 Baylor (83): 24+24 Beleth (83): 24+24 Instances: Raid instances minimum characters required reduced to 9 characters. Please note that some instances are designed for two parties! Nighttime Zaken minimum characters required reduced to 18. Enchants and success: Regular Enchant rate: Retail (+3% PA) Blessed Enchant rate: Retail Safe Enchant: +4 Element Max Level: 7 Element Stone Chance: 50% Element Crystal Chance: 30% Other features: Follow Party Leader's NPC Dialog (Gatekeeper/Vitality/Etc.) Follow Party Leader's .town Master Account Forward Loot to Leader - All drop from party members can go to Party Leader Quick Trade - Skip confirmations when trading your characters Vitality Rework - All levels give same reward (+20%/+30% see above) Easy Recommend Bonus (1 recommend to enable +10% XP/SP) .town Commands Auto Potions Fast Elements Offline Store Private store search at Item Broker Item & NPC database lookup ingame
    1 point
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