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  1. Beginner's Guide for Lineage 2 High Five L2Toggle Style. Even though you can get great buffs when you first start from the ALT-B Buffer, some people still desire gear. There is a quest for a wooden set or a magic robe set. Here's a guide for the "Supply Check" Quest 1. Create character 2. Click ALT-B, click the buffs tab and select or create a buff scheme. 3. Talk to Newbie Helper. (In every starter town he is the NPC on the right) 4. They ask you to attack a gremlin. Attack until you get the blue gemstone. At this point I suggest you keep attacking Gremlins until you arejust past level 3 . (You must be level 2 to being the "Supply Check Quest", BUT if you are just over level3 when you begin the quest you'll get enough xp to be level 6 and be able to get a shadow weapon from another Newbie Helper. Like I said buffs are real nice so you don't necessarily need them, but heck it couldn't hurt.) 5. Talk to the Newbie Helper once you have the Blue Gemstone. 6. They tell you to talk to the NPC on the left and the Newbie Helper Gives you some soulshots or spiritshots for beginners. (In this Case it is Master Grand Roien for you Human Fighters). 7. Talk to the NPC on the left and select " I brought the recommendation" 8. They will give you more soulshots or spiritshots for beginners and ask if you wanna continue to level here (In this case Talking Island) or go to the Isle of Souls (Kamael Village). Slect go to the Isle of Souls. If you're running multiple characters at once like a full party, bring the full party here with you. With our system's ability to follow party leader's dialog, the party's quest and telports will be done seemlessly all together at once. The whole party follows and selects the same dialog with NPC for quests, so you don't need a script or click the Quest NPC's on all 9 characters. 9. Open your map. A. click World info B. click Quest C. click level so it is goes from lowest to highest level drag the bar down until you see "Supply check. D. it will show you the map outside the village. Click the tab marked D and it will show a map of inside the village. E. A flag will indicate where Marcela 10. Talk to Marcela and click quest. There are two options, so select Supply check. Click through the dialog until it displays. 11. To find each person you have to talk to for a quest, click ALT-M for the map. A. Click Tracking B. Click Quest and then select "Suppy Check" 12. A Yellow Thumbtack will apear on the map where you need to go next and an Arrow will appear above your head pointing to the next NPC you have to talk with. 13. After you finish the quest you'll be level 5 and recieve some adena, experience and a beginner armor set (In this case a wooden light armor set for a fighter and a leather robe set for a mystic). 14. If not earn level 6 hunt a bit, maybe Stronghold I. If you are level 6, then go to and talk to he newbie guide and get a shadow weapon if you desire. 15. When you talk to the NEwbie helper you'll recieve some more Soulshot or Spiritshot for begineers. Click "Recieve Apprentice Adventurer's Weapon Exhange Coupn" and you'll recieve 5 of these coupons. 16. Talk to the Newbie Guide Again and click "Ask for help with a newbie Item." and then " Use the Weapon warehouse for apprentice adventurers" 17. Choose the weapon you want. These shadow weapon have a time limit. They loose time everytime you equip and unequip them. They loose time if they are equiped. However, they do not loose time if they are unequipped. OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER: 1st class change quest (cc) You can buy from ALT-B under for 100k OR you can do the quest. Rewards for doing the 1st cc quest. Rewards are D-Grade Shadow weapon coupons and some adena and experience 2nd class change quest You can buy same place for 3kk OR you can do the 3 separate CC quest, each gives adena and xp, but man are they long. If you don't have a spoiler and aren't thoughtful about where you hunt, you might want to consider these long quest to afford gear. With the great buffs bots don't really care if they are in poor gear. 3rd class chaneg quesy You can buy same place for 15kk RIGHT NOW accumulate but don't do anything. I know on some servers with premium you cna buy shadow weapons. Enjoy!
    1 point
  2. Quality guide, the server features make this a must.
    1 point
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